Tamra Grace Jones

My Village


it takes a village…

Regardless of medium, political climate, or even the divisions of the world map, art takes a village.

My village ranges from running buddies, singers to follow the path together, venues empowering local artists to have a place to do their work, prayer huddles. Places safe to be me.

To the work itself…

Singers require minimal skill acquisition of

  • Technical prowess of a tiny muscle you cannot see which happens not to fully developed until late 20s/early 30s.

  • Diction dexterity in Italian, French, German, English, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Norse, Swedish, and any language an art song or opera is written in (i.e. Tagalog, Icelandic, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin etc.).

  • A healthy constitution, or you won’t work.

  • Tenacity equal with Olympians - especially as a soprano. (Rejection to and at auditions is the norm.)

The first 2 require a team of instructors #1 willing to work with you and #2 capable of meeting you where you are. They are worth more than gold.

Your presence reading this constitutes as part of “my village”, if you want to expand the way you engage in my village, shoot me a message.

Regardless, talk to me! I love meeting new people! (ask the streets where I grew up - never known a stranger)


…by contributing specifically

You can hasten the speed at which the work is done, through Patreon. Using the Patreon link or the “Become a patron” button below, you can pledge once or monthly for as little or as much as you like. All funds make high-caliber music available to those financially barred. Pledges can be cancelled or adjusted at any time. Thank you for being here regardless of what engagement level suits your season of life!